You know a couple of years ago I publicly swore I would post every month. And I was good. For a while. But in my head the real rule was always “you can never go a year without posting”. [/checks date of last post]. Whew, that was close.
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Today is the day privacy law changes forever. Srsly!
Are you a business in Quebec? Or even in Canada? Are you a person in Quebec? Well have I got news for you!
It’s a Friday Internet Law News Dump!

As we head into the Canada Day long weekend, I had nothing really big I wanted to write about, but a handful of little things. Thus, the Friday Internet Law News Dump was born. Is it reminiscent of another quickie type of post I used to write in another life? Maybe. Is it an easy way to avoid paying off bets of scotch to certain individuals? Shut up.
Facebook wins in privacy court (for now)
In which we return to discussing developments from times forgotten. Like, uh, 6 weeks ago? That’s not too bad (for me)! Also there was a development in this case just two and half weeks ago, so that’s kind of timely? Shut up, it is. Also, I should point out before we go further that there is no “privacy court” (yet!) as suggested by my headline. Lemme explain…
Welcome (?) to the Online Streaming Act Era

So is the Online Streaming Act, aka Bill C-11, now technically S.C. 2023 c. 8 as of three days ago, as terrible as they say? Well let’s take an honest, clear-headed, unbiased read through this piece of crap and find out. Hey look at me, two timely blog posts in a row!
Let’s talk about the budget (Wait! Don’t leave!)
In which we take a break from our regularly-scheduled “catching up on things we missed during our dark period” (ok, ok, our most recent dark period) and talk about something timely. From this week! The budget! Zzzzzzzz….. Wait, what? No really hang with me here this may be important!
Making it harder (and easier?) to sue for data breaches
In which we continue to explore important internet and privacy law developments from the “dark 9 months” period of this little corner of the internet. And in this post I tackle three court cases for the price of one, and talk about an important potential federal law and talk about an enacted provincial law! Talk about efficiency!
Site Blocking for Fun and Profit
In which we begin to try to catch up on [/checks date] 9 months of internet law developments. How does this writing thing work again?
Internet + news + government = profit?

Hey-o! It’s your friendly neighbourhood internet law commenter, back after a flurry of year-end posts to his much more normal one post every 3 months schedule. But with the government proposing a “law” about the “internet” I guess I really need to write about that. Let’s get news-y!
Happy (?) Data Privacy Day / Week / Month / Millenium
Oh hai! Still a couple of hours left to celebrate #DataPrivacyDay, #DataPrivacyCentury, or whatever. Meh, privacy. Who needs it.
I keed. YOU need privacy of course! Keep the man off your data. To celebrate, go ahead and watch me in the video above, giving a talk about, I dunno, privacy or something. It’s been a whirlwind #DataPrivacyWeek for me, being an expert and so forth I am in demand! Above was the talk I gave at McGill. Besides the terrible “uh’s” and “um’s”, it’s not too bad! And a good summary of what’s coming in Quebec’s new privacy law, and how it helps you. Enjoy! Slides here to download if you really can’t get enough of me. Now go be private.
It’s that privacy holiday time of year!

Two posts in a Beatles-esque 8-day week? It’s a Festivus miracle!!!
Here’s a very important internet law development from 5 months ago!

Oh, hai! Remember me? I used to write about very important internet law developments on the internet. I still do it on occasion, but now I do it (/checks date) 5 months after they happen apparently. I also promised myself I would write at least 3 posts in 2021. It’s a low bar. I am running out of time. Let’s get to it!